Jalal Arani
Jalal Arani

As an Analyst, Researcher, and Thinker on Iranian politics for the past 30 years, I have dedicated my career to understanding the complex political landscape of Iran, and act with a passion, for promoting a free and democratic Iran.

My expertise comes from reading, researching, and acting while closely monitoring the major issues that matter in Iran for the past three decades. As an experienced ghost writer on Iranian politics, I have developed a rigorous and disciplined approach to my work, using Realist synthesis methods and techniques to analyse the complex social, economic, and political dynamics of the country.

I am currently living in exile, having been forced to leave Iran due to my activism and involvement in campaigns to change the regime. Despite these challenges, I remain deeply committed to the cause of promoting a free and democratic Iran, and I have been involved in a variety of initiatives and campaigns to support this goal.

I am constantly working to promote positive change in Iran, “Regime Change”. With a deep expertise in Iranian history, culture, and politics, I am committed to continuing to contribute to the field of Iranian politics and open to work with likeminded towards a free and democratic Iran.

Jalal Arani

Jalal Arani

A UK-based Iran Analyst, Researcher, and Policy Advisor with extensive experience in Iranian politics & the Mid-East. Using science in analysing complex issues